Saturday, April 28, 2007
Weekend of Friends (and Swings)

Are We Really 30?

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Happy Birthday Aidan!
Aidan (son of Chis and Karen) is our silliest, most energetic, most mischievous and fun nephew. Ella just loves him because he is very affectionate and entertaining to her. Tomorrow he turns the big 0-3. My favorite thing about Aidan is how easy it is to get a big smile out of him. This was the case since he was a tiny baby and I'm happy he doesn't seem to be outgrowing his zest for life and constant joy. While some of these descriptions of him are kind ways of masking the fact that he is a bit of a handful :), there is nothing about this charming little guy we would change. His adventures make great stories!
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Past Few Days...
On Saturday night we went over to Jeff, Amy and Jonathan's for dinner. As always, it was great to spend time with them (and delicious dinner too!).
On Saturday we also used some tax refund money to buy a much needed new grill. Did you know grills wear out? Apparently when you spend only $70 on one at Target, it does not last more than 6 years. So we got the mother grill this time-- it sears, it rotisseries, it has a side burner. Dave is my new Bobby Flay! We had amazing steaks and asparagus for dinner tonight.

Saturday, April 21, 2007
At this church, though, we have been adopted by another VM family. Believe it or not, there is actually a huge group of VMs out here! Strangely, we share a last name, but we are not related in any way. For 4 years they have been wonderful at including us in all their family functions. We've celebrated Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, Labor Day and New Year's Day with them. We see them once a week during the summer for "Swim Day." And when there is a Mother/Daughter Luncheon at church (like today) I am invited to go with them and provided with a ticket!
I had a lovely morning with my adopted "sister" Julie. We enjoyed "Lady-O-Rama" (as I call it) where generations of women got all dressed up to celebrate the blessings in our lives, socialize, eat good food and laugh together. Our California VMs have a very special place in our lives and hearts!

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Don't Worry-- She'll Do Great!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Just Gotta Get Out

Sunday, April 15, 2007
A Sad Day
I have not personally lost a pet dog, but I know just the idea of putting Lily to sleep makes me very, very sad. (I just cried about it last night as I finished reading the book "Marley and Me.") It seems especially hard to loose a dog because they are so full of unconditional love and loyalty.

Friday, April 13, 2007
A Wonderful Getaway

10. The relief of getting back to the car. What we thought would be a leisurely stroll to see a natural elephant seal habitat turned into a 4 mile hike up and down sand dunes with very high winds. Ella was extremely grumpy and it kicked my pregnant butt.
9. Open air fire places. No campfires were allowed at our resort, but you'd find lit fireplaces every few steps you took (including the bathroom!). Ella had her first roasted marshmallow.
8. Breakfast included. Every morning we enjoyed a buffet breakfast of quiches, scones and fresh fruit at the restaurant (for free!).
7. Falling asleep with fire, stars and Ella. Our cabin had a fireplace so every night we went to sleep with a fire crackling. Right above our bed was a skylight which we could see stars though. Ella had a hard time in her pack-n-play, so we slept "family style." It was fun to snuggle together in our big king bed.
6. Reading on the swing on our porch.
5. Sunsets over the Pacific Ocean.
4. Ella's cute sayings: "Nigh-night sun.", "I coming notion." (I'm hiking toward you, ocean), "Stars, all done." (in the morning).
3. Bike riding around the camp, with the ocean in view!
2. The perfect balance of camping and luxury. We still grilled our own brats and beans and ate at a picnic table, but we also went out to a fun restaurant in Santa Cruz. We had to walk to use the bathroom, but we were given plush robes to do it in. It was cold outside! We lived in warm fleeces and wool socks, but we had heat, down bedding and a hot tub to use.
1. Time together as a family!
Just Scenery
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
One of the Best Easters Ever

Karen-- Do you recognize Ella's Easter basket ("purse" she calls it)? We got lots of compliments on it!
Ella's Easter Pictures...
Happy Easter!

We wish you a blessed Easter filled with fun, family and joyful celebration of Christ's resurrection!
Love, Dave, Jen, Ella and VM Baby Girl
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
Sugar High

Here is what Ella did after trying half a Peep and a Pez (her first experience ever with these treats...): took about 10 running laps around our house, discovered she can "fly" when she jumps off the armrest onto the couch, made laughing/screeching sounds probably only dogs could hear and declared, "I funny!" over and over.
Thanks for the goodies, Grandpa and Grandma!
Yay Spring!