Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A Little Ella Humor
Ella: We are not going home! Where are we going?
Me: We are going to stop at church and pick up Daddy.
Ella: Oh, is that the plan?
Me: Yep, that's the plan, Stan.
Ella: I not Stan, I sitting!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Barn Party

Go Calvin!

Dave took Ella on a date earlier this week to a high school basketball game. She made it through 3 quarters of the freshman game. So, this time we came prepared and armed with a bag of coloring books, stickers, crafts and stories. It helped that one of her favorite people in the world, our worship-coordinator Heidi (also the product of a mixed Calvin/Trinity marriage), was there to give her lots of attention.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
2 Big Steps
And after that first night in the big girl bed, we haven't found Ella Sleeping on the floor. She is doing great at staying in her bed and sleeping (we think) through the night. This week she missed maybe two naps because she couldn't fall asleep, but was content to have a rest time where she just read books in her bed for a while.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Each of Us With Auntie

So yes, we got out and did a few neat things, but most of the fun times occurred in the everyday routines at home-- eating meals together, playing with the kids, challenging each other to games, chatting in the hot tub, watching the Amazing Race finale, looking at old pictures...
It was another great visit!
Monday, January 21, 2008
"It's a Wonderful Day for a Picnic!"
At the winery we tasted wines and came home with a bottle of their special apple wine. We explored the grounds in the drizzle and posed for pictures by the creek and beech trees. While hiking towards the giant "Ironstone" sign made of shrubbery, we were buzzed by a flock of very low flying, noisy geese. In the spring, this winery is known for the gazillion blooming daffodil bulbs. We were happy to see the ones in wine barrel planters were already going. We spread our blanket and munched on our sandwiches in a gazebo sheltered from the rain. And on the way home we swung through the Starbucks for some warm drinks.
Even with the dreary weather, it was a lovely day...and a treat for West Michigan resident Auntie Heather. A picnic in January is unheard of for her!

Saturday, January 19, 2008
The VM Cookie Kitchen

Friday, January 18, 2008
Adventures at Ikea (with Heather!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Check Out This "Big Grill!"

Monday, January 14, 2008
Dave's Reading List 2007
I present to you my reading list for the last year. The following, then, is the list of all of the books that I finished reading in 2007, which means that it does not include articles read, parts of books that were never finished, and does include a few that were started the previous year and finally got done this past year.
Green books get a positive review, Red a negative, and Black are just neutral.
“The Ambler Warning” Robert Ludlum 632 pgs.
“Wicked” Gregory Maguire 409
“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” L. Frank Baum 230
“Map of Bones” James Rollins 523
“The Worst Hard Time” Timothy Egan 330
“Velvet Elvis” Rob Bell 194
“The Story of Christianity” Justo Gonzalez 815
“The Grapes of Wrath” John Steinbeck 455
“Everybody Wants to go to Heaven, But Nobody Wants to Die” David Crowder & M. Hogan 262
“Flyboys” James Bradley 492
“Over the Edge of the World” Laurence Bergreen 420
“Brave New World” Aldous Huxley 323
“Rules” Cynthia Lord 200
“Land of Lincoln” Andrew Ferguson 280
“Guns, Germs, and Steel” Jared Diamond 440
“My Grandfather’s Son” Clarence Thomas 293
“The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid” Bill Bryson 268
“The Unquenchable Worshiper” Matt Redman 122
“Since Nobody’s Perfect… How Good Is Good Enough?” Andy Stanley 94
“Abraham” Bruce Fieler 224
“Keeping Hope Alive” Lewis Smedes 181
“How Can the Bible be Authoritative?” (Speech Manuscript ) N.T. Wright 40
“Shaped by God’s Heart” Milfred Minterea 188
“Who You Are When No One’s Looking” Bill Hybels 113
“Revolution of Character” Dallas Willard 190
“Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done” Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan 269
“Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport” Richard Mouw 127
“The Externally Focused Church” Rick Rusaw & Eric Swanson 220
“Leading Change” John P. Kotter 187
“Don’t Waste Your Life” John Piper 189
“A Work of Heart” Reggie Mc Neal 199
“Prayer: Does it Make Any Difference?” Phillip Yancey 334
“The Five Love Languages” Gary Chapman 203
“The Tipping Point” Malcom Gladwell 280
“What Every Sunday School Teacher Should Know” Elmer Towns 180
“What to Do When You Don’t Want to Go to Church” Peggy Sue Wells & Patt Palau 213
“Velvet Elvis” Rob Bell 194
“The 21rst Century Pastor” David Fisher 248
“The Present Future” Reggie McNeal 155
Totals for 2007: 10,716 pages, 39 books
For someone that grew up hating to read, I do feel pretty accomplished looking at a list like this. But, being in 2 different book reading groups tends to help.
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008
Hi Grandpa!
Grandpa reads "Goodnight Chicago" is his good Chicago accent.
Grandpa, like most everyone, has no trouble making Delia smile.
Oh, the childhood memories...Dave vs. Dad in Stratego
Monday, January 7, 2008
Slow Down, You Grow Too Fast!
Delia continues to be the biggest love bug-- full of smiles and snuggles even in some new found mobility and independence. She is finally big enough for the exersaucer and she LOVES it. It's so nice to have my arms free for bigger chunks of time while she plays on her own. She scoots and rolls around to get toys that interest her. She seems to understand toys too-- crinkling and shaking them, pressing buttons to turn them on. She is very close to sitting up on her own. She has been eating rice cereal for a few weeks now also and will start with pureed fruit soon.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Sunny Again
We were praying Delia and Dave would stay healthy, but as it turns out Delia did get it. It was so sad to watch my tiny little baby's body deal with throwing up, fever and extreme fatigue, but she seems to have recovered fine. Yesterday we celebrated being in the clear, then Ella started up with round 2-- we were so discouraged and confused. Why did she get it back? We don't know, but again, after a miserable day yesterday she presently seems back to normal. Today Dave is feeling a little off, but is okay so far and it the first day in several that we are actually dressed and eating.
To match our gloomy mood inside the dark house yesterday, we also saw a pretty bad storm. It rained all day and the wind was so strong it blew around our patio furniture, took a good hunk off our tree and knocked down our back fence. We read that 600,000 some Californians are without power. The bridges over the bay were shut down because semi-trucks kept blowing over and the mountains measured their snow fall in feet while having avalanche warnings! But, like our illness, we turned the corner and the sun is shining today.
So, after living through the storm and the plague, here is our survival list, a few blessings we take for granted, that we couldn't have lived without (excluding the obvious Saltines, water, Jello and Gatorade):
1. Washing machine and drier. We went through jammies by the drawer and towels, sheets and rags by the linen closet full.
2. Costco's chicken pot pie. A warm, delicious meal full of comfort and veggies when we didn't want to cook or clean up.
3. A good book. While holding kids or sitting up while they slept, Dave and I together read over 1000 pages this week.
4. A good show. Thanks to Kristen, I was able to watch a marathon of my favorite show on DVD (with no "flying hamburger" commercials to worry about!)
5. A good movie. Some favorites were Jungle Book, Charlotte's Web, The Wheels on the Bus and "The Little People Movie from Mr. Phil"
6. An air mattress. For camping out in the girls' room at night, or cuddling on in front of the TV all day-- avoid the unwashable couches!
7. A nurturing spouse. Dave was amazing in taking care of us and single-handedly supervising clean-up efforts.
So again, we wish you much HEALTH and sunshine today!