Monday, June 30, 2008
Wanna See Delia's Invitation?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
What To Do On a Saturday

What To Do On a Sunday

Saturday, June 28, 2008
If You Leave It, I Will Climb...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Zucchini Comin' Out Our Ears

Swim Day Starts!

This was a message we heard on our machine yesterday that cheered our summer-loving selves up immensely! Ella was so excited about swimming with her friends that she couldn't fall asleep during naptime and when I was applying her sunscreen she happily rattled on and on. "I'm so excited!! I love swimming! I love Jared! But Jared don't love getting kisses..." When we pulled up we were greeted by a jubilant Jared running to our car yelling, "Ella! Ella!" and tackling her in a hug. I guess we were all a little giddy with the joy of Swim Day starting.
And good thing we had this day planned, we were in Travis, Jadon and Mikaela withdrawal! To spend another afternoon with them, like we did every day last week at Mt. Hermon, was wonderful. Debbie (our host) had a new Bermuda deck built in her pool (a larger shallow step) that was perfect for the kids and Delia was content to just bob around in her new raft. The table was spread with snacks, fruit and baked goods and we all indulged in these and some fellowship.
I've been on a "What do you love about summer?" kick and I'll tell you: Swim Day may be my favorite thing!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Gotta Love Summer!

What are your favorite things to do during these hot, lazy days of summer? Leave me a comment and I'll compile a list of fun ways to fill the days of this season!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Mt. Hermon

I registered days before the camp started, yet I still got an amazing cabin. It was literally built over a stream, we heard the soothing water rush by all night. I sat on my porch and read as the girls slept and we were just steps from the place Anna Jean and Julie stay with their family also.

Busy Every Day
Singing silly songs around the campfire with Mikaela.
A row boat ride with Daddy (he was able to leave his camp for a few hours to come visit us one day.)

The end of the week program. Ella's class sang "Our God is so Big" (here she is showing how He is so STRONG and so mighty!)
Beach Day!


Delia just grabbed naps whenever she could, here she dozes in her stroller.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Why I Love My Daddy (by Ella)
He plays Pretty Pretty Princess with me (but you'd never know about that since Mommy is forbidden to take pictures of it!).
He makes bath time wild and crazy!
He wrestles with me and taught me how to tackle.
He is my prince. He dances with me and finds me when I leave my shoe behind at midnight.
He never forgets to give me a hug and kiss before he leaves for church.
He is the only one I can actually fall asleep and cuddle with.
My daddy helps me jump on the big ball, which is my favorite thing to do.
His computer has things like "Move It, Move It" on You Tube and the Little People site bookmarked.
I can ride on his feet, swing in his arms and slide down his back.
He not only makes me the best scrambled eggs, he puts me on the counter and lets me help with each part (I especially like mixing them real fast).
He is always singing, and sometimes making up, some goofy song.
Sometimes I get to go in the little house and race cars with Daddy on the TV. I love this!
I often come home with some special treat that wasn't on the list when I run errands with Daddy.
If I ever wake up scared in the middle of the night, he is the one to quickly come and catch the fly or reassure me it's just motorcycles outside my window.
He works very hard to provide for me, Delia and Mommy.
He makes me laugh.
He takes good care of me.
He loves me so much.
He is the best daddy in the world!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Singing With Daddy
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Early Father's Day

I was originally stressing about the long time I'd be Dave-less, but some exciting new developments have just occurred! I will be attending Mt. Hermon with the girls for the week! Dave's Hi Camp is actually affiliated with this renowned Christian Camp and many families from our church go to the Family Camp that occurs simultaneously with and nearby Hi Camp. Someone from church has generously offered to help pay for our registration fees and one call confirmed that there is plenty of space for us yet. Family Camp at Mt. Hermon includes amazing child care/day camp for Delia and Ella, special speakers and worship times for me, plenty of family fun (like organized pool games, campfires, carnivals and BBQs), all our meals in a dining hall and even a day away-- a train ride to the Santa Cruz board walk! I'm thinking it will be like the summer camp I grew up going to (except for adults) complete with 2 of my best friends, Julie and Teri, going with their families. God really worked out the details so that not only would I would not have to stay home alone, but I could go and have this spiritually recharging, super-fun time with my friends and girls!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Lots to Celebrate

Some grad parties are a little hard for the girls, they're mostly for adults with few kids or toys (Ella spent much of Saturday night's on an inside treadmill with a caring high schooler!). Today we had our favorite party, a celebration for 4 graduates, all members of the extended VM family: Cody, Carlene, Kalvin and Kirsi. Ella swam with her friend Mikaela and even learned a few swim moves. The "jump-o-leen," visiting the mooing cows and huge tri-trip lunch were also highlights, as was "the best cake in the whole world!!" (according to Ella).