Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008
Happy Birthday, Delia (Finally!)
Next, I took over by directing an animal craft. The kids decorated these wooden stand-up puppets in their choice of lion, zebra, monkey, giraffe or cheetah.

Then the present opening frenzy began. Each kid "helped" open the gift they brought and we came home with new outfits, jammies, little vehicles, a fridge magnet game, an Usborne farm book and some money for the piggy bank...so generous!

The best part of the afternoon was just the opportunity to celebrate the joy Delia has brought into our lives with the friends we love most.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We Have a Walker!
Sure enough, it started last week (on her birthday!) while Dave was gone. Each day she gets a little more confident.
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Changed Man

Saturday, July 19, 2008
It's Official!

"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!" Week

Next we shared, not one, but two days and meals with Jetta and the kids. The first was a scheduled play date, the second was an impromptu get-together when swim day was cancelled. The kids swam "Oakie" style in a big, metal trough filled with water. I loved hearing Ella's laugh as she played energetically with her friends. The combination of dirt she crawled through, water she played in and sticky, fresh fruit juice she let run down her tummy left Delia the dirtiest she's ever been in her life. Good thing she was stripped down to a diaper (this is a required uniform for those under the age of 2 at Jetta's house!) Then we sat out on the porch and munched BBQ chicken pizza and homemade frozen yogurt pops.
The grand finale to our "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!" Week was a road trip down south to see the Girards. Ella got to have a sleepover in Beth and Allie's room (which was only enhanced by the princess sleeping bag she borrowed!) The kids did great playing together, so much so that I actually saw little of Ella! She was too busy running around in their beautiful back yard, dressing up, playing "school," "house" and "Mt. Hermon" and doing crafts with her buddies. Our friends always welcome and care for us so warmly when we visit.
Dave is scheduled to return Saturday night. Is it Saturday already? My how time flies when you're having so much fun! :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Celebrating A Day of Good Gifts
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Oh, My Sweet Delia!
My favorite thing about Delia is her passion. She has little middle ground and seems to function at a 10 on the emotional scale most days. She never just gives you a hug. She wraps her whole little body around you and squeezes with all her might. She is never just happy. She kicks her legs, claps and even gives an extreme open mouth smile in her ecstasy. She is never just sad, either. Capable of screaming for hours on end, she won't surrender her discontent without a good fight. The passion with which she tackles each day makes me smile constantly and love her overwhelmingly.
Friday, July 11, 2008
No, This Is Not a Birthday Party Post

At about midnight last night Ella woke up throwing up. Delia joined in first thing this morning. An obvious cancellation and postponement of today's party was in order. It's been a frustrating day. Not just because the kids are sick, but because we had so many great things planned: the conclusion of our intense week at Bible school (I had to make hasty, early-morning sub arrangements), this celebration of Delia with our closest friends and our last bit of time with Dave before he flies off to help others. No one was more disappointed than Ella. Throughout the day she would whimper, "I'm feeling much better now. I can go and sing!" or "I'm not sick anymore, now can we go to the party?" For her sake, we let Delia open 2 big gifts that arrived in the mail. The cute rocking giraffe from Karen and family and this music/game playing touch dog from Heather and Dan were both huge hits. Thanks Aunties! You sent these gifts as just birthday presents, yet they became much more-- pulling us out our sick gloom for an afternoon!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
An Early Gift for Our Birthday Girl
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Frantic Life of Those Involved in VBS

I haven't had a leadership role in Bible school for a long time, but decided to step up this year. I teach Bible Blast, which means I have 4 shifts of students that come to my classroom to hear/experience a Bible story. I am fond of the Power Lab material this year. The stories all encourage much activity and participation. Today we put oatmeal in blindfolded students' eyes to make them feel that they were the blind beggar being healed by Jesus. Yesterday some students broke out in leprosy and had to be quarantined! (pictured). Tomorrow the students will walk on water like Peter (it will really be Oobleck.)
It is fun to be in teacher mode again, but definitely challenging to slip back into Mommy mode with the little energy that is left after the frenzy of managing 100 wild Bible school students. Poor Dave, I am living for the relaxation and quiet of next week and he'll be working his tail off on the mission trip!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
2,508 Stroopwafels!

Saturday, July 5, 2008
A Fourth Filled With Family Fun

Happy 4th of July, Family and Friends! We hope your holiday was as full of family and fun as ours was. There's not too much to report, we had a pretty low key day just enjoying each other and following the 4th of July "Rules":
You must eat watermelon
You must grill your dinner
You must wear something displaying a flag
You must see fireworks
Besides the holiday staples we also enjoyed some fun extras:
Red, raspberry, flag pancakes
A long bike ride through the country
Sparklers, Delia going crazy climbing the playground and an entertaining game of Daddy/Ella frisbee while waiting for fireworks
A stars and stripes craft
And some delicious naps (the girls broke a holiday rule in my book by waking up when there was a 6 on my clock!)
All in all, another memorable 4th. Happy birthday USA!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Product Recommendation