Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
It's A Boy for Amy #2!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Dave Proves A Point
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ella: How come David only threw one rock at Goliath and not two?
Mom: Because God only needs one rock to get the job done.
Ella: How come there are no Davids and sheeps and Goliaths in our world?
Mom: Because they are from the Bible. People from the Bible lived a long time ago and they are dead now.
Ella: Well, I wish I could know David and his sheeps. But not Goliath. If Goliath came to our house, Lily would BARK, BARK, BARK at him and scare him. Then he would fall off our step and bump his foot and get an ouchie and run away and I would say, "Good girl, Lily."
A Day of Family Fun

Then after naps, we headed out again to the community center to support our Christian School. They were hosting one the biggest fundraisers of the year: Family Fun Night and Auction. We ate dinner there, browsed the Dutch bake shop (indulged in some Ollie Bolen), then hit the carnival. Ella again had to make some choices with her tickets, but had fun with each game she selected. We even came home with two new family members-- Sam and Michelle. They are goldfish and though Ella can tell you, "They won't last very long" (bracing her for the inevitable lesson on death this prize will bring...) today they are still swimming!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's a Girl for Amy #1!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Two Ballerinas
Saturday, October 18, 2008
On a Hunt for Fall

Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy Birthday, Helia!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Embracing Our Inner Bear Grylls

Ella loved testing out the cot in this camping scene. She also cuddled up with this stuffed raccoon. Dave was itching to try the shooting arcade, but surprisingly our brave (yet tender-hearted) Ella freaked out at the idea of him shooting things.
Delia loved the big trout swimming around this pond.
Look very close and see if you can find Dave and Ella in the waterfalls...

Pretending to drive the boats in the boat show room was a lot of fun too. If we win the $25,000 shopping spree we registered for, we'll get this one! ;)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Dancin' Our Day Away
Aren't her moves funny? We have a dance party of some sort every single day. Delia is in that stage where she *loves* to dance. Ella went through it too shortly after she learned to walk and it's funny to see patterns repeat. There are just certain songs on my itunes playlists that equal "Dance Party" to each girl. Even if it's just background music, they will stop what they're doing to dance when their songs come on. Ella couldn't resist shaking her booty whenever "Now That We Found Love" by Heavy D & the Boyz played. Delia's favorite is "Let My Love Open the Door" by Pete Townshend and now "Shake It!" by Metro Station. What's your just-can't-resist-gettin'-down dance song???
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pajama Party

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pretending It's Fall

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sorry, Very Similar...
Ella: What does it mean 'God has a plan for my life'?
Mom: The Bible says God's plan is to prosper you.
Ella: What's prosper?
Mom: To bless you, take care of you and show you how to use your talents.
Ella: I know God's plan for my life. It's to watch a movie and eat a snack when we get home.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ella: Why do we need to stand up?
Mom: The song is telling us to stand up for Jesus and live for him.
Ella: But Ella, Delia and Mommy can't stand up. We have our buckles on. Jesus must be sad.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ending the Blog Silence!
One of my best mom tips is this: Be prepared for a "rainy day." I often take advantage of 4-for-3 deals on Amazon to stock up on new stories, craft books and movies. I stash them away and pull them out on days like yesterday. Our Saturday included a cancelled birthday party, an actual cloudy day of rain (the first big one of the season, which I didn't really mind...) and a hush request from Dave who was sleeping all day to recover from his weekend lock-in. I was glad to have my "Hail Mary" move-- a new movie to pull out for Saturday family movie night. I had ordered this Is Your Mama a Llama Scholastic DVD ages ago and it was a hit!
So since we've been very llama-obsessed, today we enjoyed the blue skies and breezy temps and paid our friend the llama a visit. We also fed the goats...and played tag in the grass...and counted fish in the pond...and had a splendid Sunday afternoon.