This is the special gift my Aunt Janette shared with me last Monday. I waited a week to post it because I wanted to surprise my sister with it too. She is presently on route to California, so I guess I can post now! The gift was glimpses into the life of my dad, who I actually knew very little about. Aunt Janette and her daughter Jill found at least a hundred pictures of my dad growing up-- proms, vacations, baby pictures, the Lake Forrest house they grew up in, poses with his little brother (my Uncle Dave), graduation, an early-in-the-relationship Christmas with my mom, etc. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed and instantly emotional when I opened this gift. This whole week I've loved sorting through the stacks of in-excellent-condition photos and learning more about my dad. My wonderful husband has been scanning each picture so Heather can take a digital copy home with her.
My dad and Uncle Dave-- Dad's on the tricycle.

My dad in his little Jimmy shirt with his parents. Never got to meet this Grandpa.

Dad standing, Uncle Dave in the highchair.

He was good-lookin', huh?

A cheesy pose after my own heart! Love this vacation shot of the men of his family. He's the one on the back of the bike.

My dad's the one holding the rifle, Uncle Dave holding the kill.
I must say that the Dutch genes are strong! I don't see much of blue-eyed/blond-haired Heather, me or my girls in my dad. However, I'm convinced I inherited many of his personality traits.