Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bye-Bye Butterflies

Today was the day we agreed to let our butterflies have their freedom. The excitement to set them free actually tempered any sadness the girls had about saying goodbye to them. We let them fly at the home of Gys, a sweet, Dutch-brogued, older gentlemen from our church. He has a major green thumb and grows extensive flower gardens all over his front and back yards. We thought our butterflies would like having a whole rainbow of flowers to choose from at his house. Hopefully they'll multiply and give Gys and his wife Pia even more beauty in their abundant flower beds.
. We opened the lid, but the butterflies did not exactly seize the opportunity to be free.

We had to gently scoop them out and help them see that there was a great, big, beautiful world outside their mesh home.

This guy didn't want to leave us!

For a good 20 minutes we watched our butterflies float all around the yard and hop from flower to flower. The girls pointed at them, chased them and left happy knowing that we were giving our butterflies a good home.

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