Thursday, January 24, 2008

2 Big Steps

This week we've mastered the S's...

If you didn't notice in Delia's 6 month pictures, she is Sitting up on her own. This new perspective on things makes her especially curious. She sits, examines things around her and is constantly reaching out to grab. Like eating, watching her sister play, any type of affection, toys and just breathing in general, this seems to make her very happy.

And after that first night in the big girl bed, we haven't found Ella Sleeping on the floor. She is doing great at staying in her bed and sleeping (we think) through the night. This week she missed maybe two naps because she couldn't fall asleep, but was content to have a rest time where she just read books in her bed for a while.


Jonathan said...

Yay, great job, Ella!


PS-Can't wait to see you today!

Dorina Gilmore said...

Go girls!
Hurray for the big S accomplisments - sitting & sleeping. What a clever way to mark these milestones.
Auntie D