Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sunny Again

"I am awake! The sun is awake! I am happy! I go say, 'Good morning, sun.'" This quote from Ella this morning filled us with so much hope and optimism. We've been wageing serious war against a nasty stomach flu virus for the past 5 days and today I think I can boldly declare us the victors!

We were praying Delia and Dave would stay healthy, but as it turns out Delia did get it. It was so sad to watch my tiny little baby's body deal with throwing up, fever and extreme fatigue, but she seems to have recovered fine. Yesterday we celebrated being in the clear, then Ella started up with round 2-- we were so discouraged and confused. Why did she get it back? We don't know, but again, after a miserable day yesterday she presently seems back to normal. Today Dave is feeling a little off, but is okay so far and it the first day in several that we are actually dressed and eating.

To match our gloomy mood inside the dark house yesterday, we also saw a pretty bad storm. It rained all day and the wind was so strong it blew around our patio furniture, took a good hunk off our tree and knocked down our back fence. We read that 600,000 some Californians are without power. The bridges over the bay were shut down because semi-trucks kept blowing over and the mountains measured their snow fall in feet while having avalanche warnings! But, like our illness, we turned the corner and the sun is shining today.

So, after living through the storm and the plague, here is our survival list, a few blessings we take for granted, that we couldn't have lived without (excluding the obvious Saltines, water, Jello and Gatorade):
1. Washing machine and drier. We went through jammies by the drawer and towels, sheets and rags by the linen closet full.
2. Costco's chicken pot pie. A warm, delicious meal full of comfort and veggies when we didn't want to cook or clean up.
3. A good book. While holding kids or sitting up while they slept, Dave and I together read over 1000 pages this week.
4. A good show. Thanks to Kristen, I was able to watch a marathon of my favorite show on DVD (with no "flying hamburger" commercials to worry about!)
5. A good movie. Some favorites were Jungle Book, Charlotte's Web, The Wheels on the Bus and "The Little People Movie from Mr. Phil"
6. An air mattress. For camping out in the girls' room at night, or cuddling on in front of the TV all day-- avoid the unwashable couches!
7. A nurturing spouse. Dave was amazing in taking care of us and single-handedly supervising clean-up efforts.

So again, we wish you much HEALTH and sunshine today!


tlg said...

We are SO sorry that you were sick for so long. We hope only brighter days are ahead! Much love to all four of you.

Teri and family

Amy said...

Oooohhh, we are so glad you turned the corner. Hope to see you all for a healthy visit soon!

Dorina Gilmore said...

Hi Jen & fam,
We love how you turn the sickies into something to be thankful for in the long run. What a wonderful perspective.
We pray for good health for your fam for the rest of 2008.
Hope to see you soon!