Monday, July 2, 2007

The Beast that is "Nesting"

Here is why I am ready to be done being pregnant: I'm sleep-deprived, achy, irritable, living in the bathroom now and of course impatient to meet our new baby. Here is why Dave is ready for me to be done: the longer I carry this baby, the more projects I find for him to do! I excuse this insane honey-do list as "Nesting," a strange and compulsive urge to get my house perfect before the baby arrives. This week he caulked my shower, installed a new ceiling fan and fixed a big problem with my closet. At 3:30 am one night last week we were woken by the terrifying sound of my wooden clothes rod splintering and my whole closet crashing down. I first thought a piece of our house had fallen off and this fright kept me awake the rest of the night. Dave has been, of course, giving me a hard time about having too much clothes. Just what we needed-- another project!

What's worse? The waiting? The aches and pains? The actual labor? Right now I think it's this Nesting!

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