Sunday, July 8, 2007

"All Done Balloons"

102 days ago, Dave made me a very special "New Baby countdown," 100 ladies with 100 balloon tummies. I got to pop one each day that I was pregnant in anticipation of our due date. Well, sadly we ran out of balloons on Saturday. I know the news that we are still waiting is getting old, but from the perspective of the finished balloons and our due date coming and going uneventfully, I thought I'd whine a little more. Here's some good news: I get to be treated to my first pedicure if the baby has not arrived by tomorrow! Dave told me I could enjoy this luxury if I went past my due date.

We did have a really nice weekend. On Friday night we got a last minute babysitter and went over to Pastor Bruce's to play games with the rest of the church staff and spouses. It is fun to play games when you are frustratingly still get lots of sympathy and in terms of gaming and strategy, people are overly nice to you! (I won one game and didn't come in last for another because of this!) Then on Saturday, Dave took a big chore off my list-- grocery shopping with Ella. I got to stay home and get some things done and rest. At night we decided to have a fun dinner. We turned our fast food into a picnic at the fountain park. A highlight for Ella was trying the swinging monkey bars with Daddy's help. At night we rented an awesome movie, we'd totally recommend it to any of you-- The Prestige.

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Well, Jen, I for one hope you go passed the due date so you can enjoy that pedicure. That was a decadent gift my friend gave me for my baby shower. I never get my nails done - as you know - and I thoroughly enjoyed the time to be pampered. You deserve it!
Have fun!