Thursday, March 13, 2008

Look What I Can Do!

Today marks Delia's 8 month birthday, so I thought I send out a quick update of her latest tricks.
  • She is completely mobile. While her crawling technique is a bit unorthodox (sit, fall forward, roll, "monkey walk" on hands and feet, repeat...) it does not hinder her ability to move wherever she wants. She especially likes hiding under things, like Ella's bed.
  • We think a tooth is on the verge of popping though. The drooling and gnawing on things has increased quite a bit as of late.
  • She talks! She says, "Mamamama" and intentionally, we think. When Dave goes in to get her from sleeping, she looks past him to the open door and says it. Yesterday she threw her arms around my neck, hugged me and said it. Mostly she says it when she's frustrated about something, though.
  • Sleeping has been going great! After 4 days in the room with Ella, we realized she was not ready. The first night was okay, but in later days she would wake up constantly, thus waking up Ella as well. One night both girls were screaming-- trying to top each other, probably. Anyway, we moved some furniture out of the office, put the crib in and set up a temporary and make-shift nursery for Delia. This seems to be what she's been wanting the past 8 months. She moves all over her crib, sleeps on her tummy and goes looong stretches (8 hours last night, 12 the night before!). We'll do this for a while then move her back in with her sis. Have we finally won this sleep battle?
  • Last, she has a new game that cracks us up. Watch this video to see her playing peek-a-boo. She initiates it all by herself and smiles and laughs when we react. (She LOVES watching this video too!)


Amy said...

YAY for sleep! Jen, do you feel like a new woman? :)

KyleVM said...

It's so bizarre for me to read something like "Delia's 8 month birthday," because to me, I can't believe that it's only been 8 months. I just think of her as being part of our family and I can't imagine life without her...

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! Delia is the best-I just love her.

Love-Auntie Kris