Sunday, October 26, 2008


Tonight I was telling Ella about the sermon I heard on one of her favorite Bible characters, David. Here is where the conversation went...

Ella: How come David only threw one rock at Goliath and not two?

Mom: Because God only needs one rock to get the job done.

Ella: How come there are no Davids and sheeps and Goliaths in our world?

Mom: Because they are from the Bible. People from the Bible lived a long time ago and they are dead now.

Ella: Well, I wish I could know David and his sheeps. But not Goliath. If Goliath came to our house, Lily would BARK, BARK, BARK at him and scare him. Then he would fall off our step and bump his foot and get an ouchie and run away and I would say, "Good girl, Lily."

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