Sunday, September 9, 2007

Da Dum

The school that Dave and I went to 1st-12th grade is also the school our nephew, Calvin, just started (kindergarten). They do a summer reading contest called "Get Caught Reading" where you submit pictures of yourself reading in wacky places. I'm sure you could have guessed it from one glance at this hilarious picture of Calvin-- he won! He will hopefully be featured in the school's publication (fellow Timothy Alumni be on the lookout). Our expressive nephew and his crazy Auntie Kris (who helped stage this photo)-- a dangerous comedic duo!


Dorina Gilmore said...

Oh my gosh! He looks like that Macaulay Calkin kid. What a creative pose. He deserves to win!
Shark Attack!

Anonymous said...

When asked by his mommy, what he would like to say in response to seeing his picture "on the World Wide Web!" (his initial reaction was jumping up and down saying, "That's me!" That's me!") He responded with "Well, thank you for putting my picture on the computer! That wasn't a real shark so people shouldn't be afraid. What did Ella think of my picture? The end."

You are such a thoughtful aunt and uncle! Thanks for sharing your nephew's joy with others... we love you!