Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Feeling Appreciated

Today we appreciated Pastor Appreciation Day at Funworks, the same place that gives us the free mini-golf. Each year we look forward to our invitation to a day of free activities for those in the ministry. Our first year here (pre-children) Dave and I enjoyed racing each other around the Go-Kart track for a date night. Last year we let Ella discover the climbing/sliding/ball-pit play area for a few hours before I went to work. This year it was fun to spend the afternoon tackling one quarter of the impossible corn maze and 2 holes of the mini-golf. Instead of strapping Ella on our back, we let her have a club. She took a few wild strokes then must have thought, "Duh! We're trying to get the ball in the hole? There is a much easier way!" because she proceeded to march over and drop it in. Of course, we couldn't leave without some climbing and we even splurged a dollar for tokens to play some games-- a hit with Ella. She giggled with delight as she whacked alligator heads. What a neat way Funworks thanks the area pastors and does some great PR! In return, Dave takes his youth group to this place each spring.

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Definite perks for being a PK! This Fun Works place sounds like big fun!