Friday, October 5, 2007

The Healthy Road Less Traveled

It only took one short visit and a cookbook gift from my "All-Natural/All-Organic" friend, Dorina, to make me realize something. When it comes to healthy living-- and specifically eating-- we do okay, but we can easily do much better. So, for the past few weeks I've been consciously planning meals with more "all-natural" ingredients (like fresh vegetables in soups, sauces and stuff), looking for ways to sneak healthy things into Ella's very picky diet (like flax seed in smoothies) and trying new recipes for things I would have previously just bought already made. For example, this afternoon we made granola-- recipe over to the left. We are still a far cry from Dorina (I think I will always keep Fruit Snacks and Teddy Grahams in my pantry for peaceful shopping trips), but I'm feeling good about the changes we're making. From the bits of unbaked granola Ella kept snooping, I think she is down with some new healthy choices too.


Dorina Gilmore said...

Ok, I'm bursting with pride right now like you're my daughter or something. Really, you've done the work. Even the small changes are important and significant.
Here's to homemade granola!
Love you,
with Ericlee & Meilani
P.S. And just a note to all you who are asking, "What is flaxseed?" - It's brainfood!

Sarah VB said...

I'm sure we ALL could do better in the healthy food/healthy snack department. Kudos (mmmm...) to you for trying! (:

Anonymous said...

Jen, I can hardly believe that I'm reading this! My college buddy who absolutely loves her yummy foods, is making homemade granola and incorporating flaxseed into the family diet! I'm so proud of you. Can you tell the difference in your energy levels and immune system?

Big hugs,