Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Page Element

Per your (well, Mom's) request, a list of Christmas ideas has been posted over there to the left. As always, view these as mere suggestions and do feel free to buy similar items at regular stores (don't feel that you need to order these exact things from Amazon). Consider all kids' ideas (especially books) as good presents for both Ella and Delia-- she'll use them some day, right? There's nothing I can think of that she really needs right now.

I'm personally a bit taken aback by all the Christmas decorations being displayed already, but if some of you are up for shopping, have fun!

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Hi Jen,
Just wanted to let you know your link is working. I was going to spy on your wish list to get some ideas for ours.
P.S. Thanks for your encouragement on my breastfeeding blog. I was a little nervous I was putting myself out there. If anyone you know needs encouragement though, feel free to pass it on. I'm being a bit more open with our blog now. Also, can we be on your list of buddies?