Thursday, October 11, 2007

House Arrest

First thing Monday morning I brought my Equinox into the dealer to get some minor repairs done while it was still under warranty. The parts needed for these repairs took the whole first half of the week to get ordered and delivered, though, so we've been grounded from any place we can't walk. For several days in a row our days were filled with nothing much more than playing, napping and eating. We'd spend long mornings in our jammies and even longer stretches of time hanging out in the bathroom (yay, potty training). This blog will quickly chronicle some of the highlights of our pretty boring week...

Here Ella is involved in the VERY serious and important task of lining up her dress up shoes in pairs. She loves order and having a place for things. I appreciate this when it is clean-up time.

We ventured out to church a few times (since we can easily skip over there with the stroller). One was for my Beth Moore Bible Study this Tuesday morning and the other was for Dave's Youth Group ("Yooff Goof" Ella calls it) meeting last night. He made a bonfire, using the hot coals to illustrate a point about how we need each other to stay hot and on fire. Ella enjoyed snacking on the "Gramma Crackers" there were out for s'mores. She quickly learned how to get lots of treats: just ask a high school buddy instead of Mommy! Last night when recaping the day and praying she was thankful for the "fire-- that was pretty neat."

Today we got a package in the mail from Grandma to help Ella celebrate her first success on the potty! It was filled with princess treats and treasures.

Late yesterday afternoon we finally got the car back so this morning we already were out at Jetta's for a Nursery Committee meeting. Ella had a ball playing house with her friends and carrying around their new kitties like babies. I don't particularly like cats, but I did feel some sympathy for these poor guys. Ella hauled them around-- none too gently-- for two hours straight! With our regained freedom more exciting adventures await-- like Costco and the grocery store...


Dorina Gilmore said...

Well, you may call it boring but it sounds like lots of genuine action to me. I love the Ella-speak - new words for everything. Maybe she'll be a writer one day - creating new words.

Auntie Dorina

Anonymous said...

Jen: Enjoy even those boring days, because time goes by so quickly. It sounds great to me to hang around in jammies! Delia is continuing to grow. I'm so glad we get to "see" our granddaughters through this blog. Hope Ella enjoys her goodies, and keeps up the good work! Love,

KyleVM said...

Nothing is boring with smores! (I just saw Starbucks came out with a smores mocha by the way--I can't wait to try it). Ella is such a little princess and I cannot wait to spend time with her and Delia over Thanksgiving.

(Uncle) Kyle