Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Jesus Light

Dave has been giving me a hard time lately because I seem to have introduced Ella to a form of idolatry. Lately, she's been waking up troubled at night, so we've been discussing how she can talk to Jesus when she feels scared. We teach her how to pray and that God is always with her and will always protect her. I even found this old Jesus night light to put in her room to help her remember that Jesus is with her at night.
Well, she has decided that this light is the actual Jesus she is talking to. How do I know this? I find her sitting next to it, having conversation! I tell her, "No Ella, that is just a light to remind you about Jesus who lives in your heart. That is the Jesus we pray to." She says, "No, I talk to THIS Jesus." We prayed together last night and she said, "Wait! I go get Jesus!" and came running back with the light. It's terrible, I know, but we are getting lots of giggles from it!


Dorina Gilmore said...

Ok, so funny! Toddlers are literalists. I'm learning this too. I think Dave - with his seminary degree and all - should be the one to set her theology straight instead of harassing you. =)
"Nigh, Nigh, Jesus."

Sarah VB said...

Dave and I received a few giggles from it as well! How were we ever amused before kids? (:

KyleVM said...

This reminds me of when I was a kid and we would sing the song "Come in to my heart, today," but I always thought they were saying "Tuesday" and could never figure out why Jesus would only come in on Tuesdays...

Anonymous said...

SOOO funny!! I was laughing out loud when I read this - too cute!! Where did you even find this nightlight? Was that the one that we had seen years ago in the dollar store?! so sweet.

Jonathan said...

Ella, this is so great that you have your own Jesus in your room to talk to. I understand completely. Just like when we see the cross on your church or ours and I say, "THAT'S the cross Jesus died on for our sins." Or, "That's the cross for Jesus to die on." Makes sense, right?
