Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nine Lives, You Say?

Dave and I regularly genetically diagnose our girls. "Where does she get that Why does she do that...did you do that?" But one thing about Ella we can't figure out is where she gets this crazy love for cats! Dave is extremely allergic and I've never been fond of this animal, so why does she spend 3 hours straight chasing and carrying around Jetta's kitties? This morning we had a ladies' lunch and social hour(s) at Jetta's house. We sat in the living room, sipping tea and laughing as we watched the kids (Ella) torture the cats outside. She would tackle them by their necks and spin them around. To catch them for carrying, she would grab what ever was the most convenient body part (tail, back legs...). She had a wonderful time! Another funny mention about the morning was that she picked out her outfit completely by herself. She climbed the numerous tubs of clothes in her closet, pulled this dress down and insisted on the hat and cowboy boots. What a little fashion plate!

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Well, I wouldn't exactly say that description is of a cat lover. She sounds like a cat torturer! I guess that wouldn't be too far from your feelings about cats, Jen. Love the outfit. Non-matching much to mommy's dismay...
Auntie D