Friday, November 2, 2007

A Little Behind

Because of all the shopping, planning and preparations (I baked 8 batches of brownies and peeled and cored tons of apples) that go into the Harvest Party, we just got around to carving our pumpkin today. Ella was pretty interested-- this was the first time she's done this. She loved looking at and talking about the "ooey-gooeys" inside, but NOT touching them. It was her request, also, to make a face that was "very happy, but not too scary." I took her seriously-- could our pumpkin smile be any more friendly?

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Love the Happy Pumpkin smile that matches Ella's wide grin.
Did Ella get a hair cut? She looks a little different...
Auntie Dorina