Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Reading Sister Stories with My Sister

In this photo Ella is enjoying her crib, something she may not get to do too much longer. While we were hoping to ride out Ella's transition to a big girl bed as long as we could (Delia is perfectly fine in the cradle in our bedroom and no where near sleeping through the night...) a couple days ago, Ella made other plans known to us. She has learned how to nimbly climb out of her crib, open the door and let herself out of her bedroom. When she finds us, she greets us with such glee, exclaiming, "I'm awake!" Since a new bed is not in our time or money budget at this moment, we've been working hard to just teach her, "NO CLIMBING, you call for Mommy when you are done." This seems to be effective for now. Incidentally, Dave was the only child among four who ever climbed out of his bed, Mom informed me. This is his fault! :)


Dorina Gilmore said...

Ah yes, we know all about the climbing at the Gilmore house. Meilani girl climbed out of her bed at 6 months. Argggh! We just graduated to a toddler bed and she's much more content to stay in it since it feels less like a prison. We're up to about 5 hours at night before she comes to find us. I guess that's not too bad. ;)
Dave, it's all your fault!

Anonymous said...

How very, very sweet the little sisters look together! :)
I love 'em!
Auntie Kris