Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ending the Blog Silence!

Sorry for the slow blog week, folks. This one is in direct response to my sister's demand for a new one...

One of my best mom tips is this: Be prepared for a "rainy day." I often take advantage of 4-for-3 deals on Amazon to stock up on new stories, craft books and movies. I stash them away and pull them out on days like yesterday. Our Saturday included a cancelled birthday party, an actual cloudy day of rain (the first big one of the season, which I didn't really mind...) and a hush request from Dave who was sleeping all day to recover from his weekend lock-in. I was glad to have my "Hail Mary" move-- a new movie to pull out for Saturday family movie night. I had ordered this Is Your Mama a Llama Scholastic DVD ages ago and it was a hit!

So since we've been very llama-obsessed, today we enjoyed the blue skies and breezy temps and paid our friend the llama a visit. We also fed the goats...and played tag in the grass...and counted fish in the pond...and had a splendid Sunday afternoon.

"GOAT!!!" (from Delia sounds more like "AHHH!") She was very emphatic about pointing these creatures out to me.


tlg said...

I'd been worried about you since you hadn't blogged for an entire week! I'm glad you had a good day today... the girls are getting so big!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! We, too, have been wondering what was going on... glad to know all is well! The pics of the girls are too cute! love, auntie karen

Anonymous said...

thanks for breaking the blog silence. if you don't update, i may just have to fly out and get an update for myself.


Dorina Gilmore said...

How fun that you actually have a llama nearby to visit. Ah, the privileges of living in the Central Valley...

Wicker Family said...

Were you at Oakdale Cheese by any chance? We went for the first time last week - I just went for cheese as I had no idea how much fun was to be had. We ended up spending about 45 min. enjoying the animals.