Friday, May 8, 2009

What's Growin' On? (Part 2)

As mentioned, Dave is gone this week. He's in Chicago preparing to do his cousin's wedding on Saturday. I've said before that my best strategy for dealing with Dave-less-ness is distraction. We take road trips, we go on outings and, this time, we do big projects. The project we tackled was getting our vegetable garden ready for summer. Anyone who visited us this winter and had to stroll by the jungle of weeds to get to their guest house can testify what a big project this was. But, after a few days of weed-butt-kicking, we were ready for the fun stuff.
Don't let this picture fool you. Ella and Delia were, unfortunately, not that helpful in the weed removal department. They were great at making dirt birthday cakes and adopting slugs as pets (ugh, my girls are SO tenderhearted!)

For the days of back-breaking work that weed-pulling and dirt hoeing is, we rewarded ourselves with a trip to the nursery to pick out this year's veggies.

And here's the fertilized, mulched, labeled and finished product-- our modest garden. On the menu for this summer are cherry and beefstake tomatoes, green peppers, zucchini, basil and cucumbers.


Anonymous said...

any way you can mail me some beefstakes. they are my favorite.


Quiver Full said...

You are so ambitious! Good for you! It's hard being home alone with little ones...always having things to do at any given moment. Sounds like you always have great projects to keep the girls busy. I need ideas for this summer!!! ;0)

The garden looks great. We have one started (from seeds) in our mud room. The kids are so excited! The next big step is what you just conquered...planting them into the ground!!!

Hope everything continues to go well while Dave's away!

Wicker Family said...

We have a similar menu of veggies. Hopefully I can keep mine alive this summer - I might need some tips. (Of course, my lack of watering the thirsty plants might have had something to do with their sad state.)