Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Delia Kristen is 9 Months Old

On Sunday Delia turned 9 months so this week is full of activities related to that-- doctor appointment today and portraits on Friday. The one word to best describe our 9-monther at this point in time is MOBILE. Not only can Delia quickly and easily move from one end of the house to the other, she can also chase her sister, pull up on any and everything and even stand holding onto something with just one hand. We see evidence that, like her sister, she'll be walking before her first birthday. Other than her new found freedom, Delia continues to be much the same: constantly joyous, full of smiles and laughs, affectionate, loving cuddle and dance time with family most and a good eater and sleeper. Today we learned that she weighs 19.5 pounds (only a few pounds lighter than Ella!) and is 28 inches long. She's perfectly proportioned-- both these measurements put her in the 50th percentile.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that the cutest face to see when you open the bedroom door! She is such a sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her again. I love to hear that she still loves to cuddle, even though she is learning about independence, and is always on the move.

Dorina Gilmore said...

Ok, these pics are stinkin' adorable! Happy 9 months to the parents too...