Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ella's SUPER Special Day

Yesterday Ella woke up roarin' to go! She knew she had a special day ahead of her. First up was a short orientation and meeting with her preschool teachers. Yes, my baby is getting ready to begin 3-year-old preschool in the fall. Our little town may not have much, but it does have the most aMAZing Christian preschool. At the parents' meeting last week we were blown away by the teachers' expertise, love for kids and love for Jesus. Ella's been on the waiting list since I was pregnant with her, and that is the only ways she's getting in. She asks every day if she's 3 yet and can go to school. Yesterday she marched right into her new classroom and started playing, talking with Miss Jenny and Miss Debbie, spelling her name and making herself right at home. After our meeting we were allowed to try out the playground equipment. This was a special time for Ella that she continues to talk about ("When I start school I am going to sit on the big blankie with my friends and see puppet shows!")

Also special yesterday was the celebration of "Husband-less Wednesday" with Amy and Jonathan. They invited us over for a dinner/play date that was as fun as it always is. Ella appreciated Jonathan's new and improved play room and I appreciated Amy's sweet understanding when one of my girls was a crab and a half (Delia) and the other had multiple potty issues (Ella).

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

No WAY! Is it preschool time already. How fun & amazing & a little sad at the same time. I'm sure Ella is going to excel in that environment. We look forward to hearing the details.
Auntie D