Saturday, September 6, 2008

Animal Loving VMs Go to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

There were a lot of reasons we spontaneously decided to check out the Oakland Zoo today. For one, Dave has been consumed with work and jury duty this week and we just needed some family quality time. For another, Ella is starting her "Self-Pronouncing Animal Alphabet" at preschool and we thought we'd give her a jump by showing her all the animals she'll be studying and experiencing as she learns her letter sounds. And lastly, we just love the zoo and thought this one might actually live up to our high standards. (It did!)

I took lots of pictures of the animals for Ella to reference through the year. I thought you may enjoy some of them too.

This first one looks like a picture of boring branches, but you must click on it to make it big (and prepare to be amazed!) It was an exhibit in a neat bug house. This cage is filled with leaf and stick bugs. This was my favorite thing we saw today. Isn't God an incredible creator?

Ella's first letter lesson is "A, A, A, A, A, A Ape...Come to the zoo for a gape!" So we were excited to find this guy.




We got to watch these alligators eat lunch: rats!


Fruit Bat (Is he bigger than you were expecting too?)

Thirsty Giraffe

Boa Constrictor



tlg said...


I have to say that the fruit bat you saw today isn't nearly as cute as Stellaluna (in one of our favorite picture books). I didn't know they could get so big!! Yikes!


Dorina Gilmore said...

Stellar photos! Did you climb in the cages or what?!? You guys are such party animals...

Anonymous said...

i am so jealous. i haven't been to a "real zoo" in so long.


Anonymous said...

Jen, what great pictures! I was wondering how you took the arial shots, but saw at the end that you were on the sky ride. What a fun day for all of you!