Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break (Number 1)

Ella and Dave had a bit of a spring break clash this year. Ella is off this week. Dave (or his students and thus his youth groups and classes) is off next week. It ended up being impossible for us to escape anywhere even for just a few days over our contradictory spring breaks. We decided to instead enjoy the week off from Awanas and preschool with one intentionally special activity each day.

Monday we visited Meilani.

Tuesday we dyed Easter eggs.

Wednesday night we went to Cold Stone (FYI "nummies" equal M&M's, a term the kids got from Pastor Bruce. His bribery is so effective, in fact, that Delia thinks his name is "Pa-Boo-Nummies." That's what she calls him.)

Thursday we fed the goats and llama, played at the wooden park and checked on the baby chicks at the feed store.
Friday my grand outdoor plans were cancelled when the unseasonably late rain and cold front moved in (watch for them next week over Dave's spring break...). Instead we stayed inside and had a game tournament. I think Ella may soon be ready for Trains! :) And of course, church tonight-- that's always a treat we look forward to.

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Very cute!
Jen, You are the mama with the mostest - always creating these great ways to keep your girls stimulated. We LOVED having you visit & bring us lunch, of course. Come ANYtime!