Tuesday, January 27, 2009

She's Here and We're Workin' Her!

Yes, my sister landed safely yesterday. We thought we'd keep this visit more relaxed, with just one outing planned for Friday, but that doesn't mean Heather is laying around doing nothing! We're very busy with our other plans of snacking, watching our favorite shows, playing Trains and Wii and satiating Ella's non-stop desire to play with Auntie Heather.
Here's a Candyland game that was busted out within the hour of Heather's arrival at our house. Auntie also helped Ella with her homework while impressively almost keeping the scissors and markers away from Delia (only one of her ears and a chin were colored pink).

All of Ella's before-sleep stories have had to come from...guess who?

And even I put her to work during nap time. Together we sorted, chronicled and put into albums all my dad's pictures (yep, she was quite delighted at this gift too!). We had fun shopping for special albums and frames this morning. Tonight we're all pooped after a high-energy dinner at Jetta's and tomorrow morning she's helping me with Delia's 18 month portraits at JC Penney.
Auntie's gonna need a vacation after this California trip!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that Heather has arrived. I'm sure that she is happy to be kept busy with all of the fun things you are doing.
Enjoy your time together!
(Now that I could see Ella's hair -it's very cute!)
Tell Heather that we are looking forward to seeing her this summer.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy our nieces, Heather! love, another aunt of these beauties... Karen :-)

Wicker Family said...

Sounds like you are enjoying every minute of this special visit. Enjoy the memory-making!