Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello and Goodbye

Today we said, "HELLO" to some good friends we haven't seen in a while. Due to company and busy schedules, it's been about 4 weeks since we've gotten to spend time with Amy and Jonathan. Today we took a stroll to their house and had fun playing in their playroom, eating fishy crackers and, of course, swinging. Delia discovered the bliss of bouncing on the exercise ball-- Mom will have to look into this!

Yesterday we sadly said, "GOODBYE" to our favorite summer tradition. School starts next week, so Swim Days are done. To mark the last Swim Day of this season, all the VMs came out, making it a huge party. We had a wonderful spaghetti supper together (that in typical VM fashion took place at about 8:00 pm!) We knew it was time to go when we saw Ella showing off, dancing and yelling "Hi-Ya!" karate style, in the middle of a group of people socializing. Aside from the late night, the day was great and perfectly "summer"-- full of fun in the pool, grandmas passing Delia around, tasty food and good friends.

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

How fun! We just finished up our Friday Pool Fiesta in your honor. Glad Mommy got to rest her arms a bit. Blessings, The Gilmores