Friday, August 31, 2007

A Double Treat

Today we were treated to two very special things. One is that my good friend and first cousin, Anna, arrived from LA. She manipulated her schedule to visit us the same weekend as Heather. Anna and Heather are my family and I love that we all get to be together for a little while-- it doesn't happen often. The best thing about Anna is her wonderful, infectious laugh and great sense of humor. Since her arrival this morning, our house has been filled with energy, noise and roars of laughter.

The other special treat was that our Starbucks opened yesterday. This may sound like no big deal to most of you, but to us small-towners this is huge. Keep in mind that we are a town of 4 traffic lights total and no brand-name gas stations, yet now we have the all-important Starbucks! To celebrate their grand opening we took a trip over and enjoyed free drinks because of their ordering mistakes. (They have only had one day of experience, so "no judgement!") This meant Ella got her own, which we only let her have a small part of-- and it was enough, after just a few sips she was ready to do cartwheels across the floor and was putting on the quite the production of being "BURR COLD!!!" Oh well, it was fun... cheers!

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

Oooh, look out! That Frap addiction happens so fast. Sounds like a fun girl outing!
Auntie D