Monday, March 5, 2007


Even though she's been a great mood-- tons of giggles and smiles, Ella has decided to make today a naughty day. She is like a little tornado on a mission of destruction.

The 3 most annoying casualties today:
1. An entire roll of toilet paper unrolled (I found her in the bathroom buried in white saying, "Oh shoot!")
2. An almost full bottle of water dumped out and turned into a mini swimming pool
3. A favorite book bent up and mangled.

The attacks have occurred in the minutes I spent on the phone, making the bed or preparing my dinner in advance. There is no indication that she is mad or trying to be rebellious, I think she's just exploring and testing. Each time I have found her in the middle of an Ella-made disaster, she gives me an oh-so-sweet smile with a twinkle in her eye. So, today we have a new word-- MESS!

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