Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Delia

I feel I need to spend a moment reflecting on Delia as she turns 2 today. I can't believe I've had this wonderful little blessing in my life for 2 whole years now! Sometimes I just look at her and wonder where in the world she came from. I understand so much about my sweet, girlie Ella and how she thinks and acts. Delia's combination of stinker and lover is more of a mystery to me.

Delia is the reason I have no ripe tomatoes in my garden. When I ask her, "Did you eat Mommy's tomatoes?" she'll reply "no" with her face full of red juice and seeds. This is also the girl who gave me 3 from-behind, for-no-reason hugs in nursery yesterday and told me 2 times "I ove oo Mommy" on the walk home. I kiss her goodnight and she says, "Hugga?" and then wraps her whole little monkey body around me. This is minutes after I ask her to help clean up toys and she runs away, climbs in the top bunk and yells, "No thank you!" And if these descriptions aren't doing a good enough job, here's an image that sums her up pretty well:

This was on Friday morning, while I was outside getting things for her party ready. Did she gratefully watch me out the window? Did she quietly sit with Ella and watch the movie I put on? No! She found the markers and added "Give Delia a Bath" to my already long list of things to do before guests arrived.

I love her so much and, when not releasing sighs of exasperation, thank God for the ways she surprises me every single day.

1 comment:

KyleVM said...

Happy Birthday to Delia! She is such a special little girl and I love reading these quirky stories about her -- and being able to discover them up close on visits. I especially appreciate those out-of-the-blue moments where they show their love like the back hugs at nursery or (for me) the waves and smiles as soon as they see me in the morning. Of course I love them when they are babies, but I think there is something special about this time where they can interact with you and respond to you. Enjoy it -- and give Delia all of my love!