Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
VM Family Holiday Letter (with Extras!)

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends and Family!
Well, do we win? Are we the first holiday greetings you are receiving this season? :) The fall colors of our family photos and our planned vacation to San Diego this December have prompted me to post our letter sooner rather than later this year. And for this special blog-edition of the Christmas letter, you can click on the colored letters to link to the fuller story.
I was recently rereading some of our old Christmas letters and realizing how we proclaim God’s blessings year after year. We’ve celebrated our new home, announced pregnancies, described big vacations and bragged about our achievements. In 2008 we’ve felt no less blessed, but don’t have as much big news. I’ll do my best to quickly regale you with the highlights. Remember, you can always keep up with our day-to-day by visiting us here at our blog.
As our life revolves around our kids, I’ll start there. Ella (3 years) continues to grow up too fast and bring us joy each day. The Precocious Princess of our home, she provides lots of laughs. This year she's had numerous big girl moments: mastering the potty, moving to a bunk bed, getting her first hair cut, etc. She also began preschool. The academic and social environment completely suits her friendly and excited-to-learn personality. Her favorites include reading, imagining, making crafts and dressing up.
Delia (1 year) is our Spunky Gal. She’s an entertaining combination of whirlwind and will. We’ve always loved the passion Delia lives with and while it makes some days difficult (bad moods are INTENSE!), mostly it makes us smile. She loves to dance, swing, cuddle and climb anything. She works hard to keep up with her imitatable big sister. She’s fearless about most things physical, but surprisingly shy and remains my Mama’s Girl. Lately, we've been eating up her linguistic attempts and advances. Her vocabulary boasts about 30 words already!
Dave and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage this May. We were reflecting on how life before the girls seems outdated-- almost forgotten. Dave has always been a fantastic Daddy, but has grown even more this year. His girls adore him! He dedicates every moment he is not working (and even finds ways to insert them into his working moments!) to deepening his relationship with them. Dave is as consumed as ever with church, but not with anything new you haven’t heard before.
This year we took a spring break trip to Monterey. The coast was amazing and we enjoyed visiting the ocean every day, hiking and experiencing the very hands-on, kid-friendly aquarium.
Our family had a very busy summer as we headed in different directions. Dave’s ministry took him on a mission trip to a part of tornado-destroyed Iowa with his youth group. I was able to road trip with the girls to visit some friends who live south of us. Then, once again, Dave was a counselor at Hi Camp. Instead of sitting home without him, Ella, Delia and I were blessed to “escape” ourselves to Mt. Hermon, a renowned Christian camp. The girls attended day camp while I heard speakers and worship leaders. We swam, boated, and sang goofy songs around the campfire, spent a day away in Santa Cruz, hit the beach and treasured meals and fellowship with great friends. We loved it so much we are already pre-registered for next summer.
The only new family addition we have to report is nephew, Cole Jacob Jayden-- a son to Dave’s sister Kristen and her husband Eric. Cole’s adoption story was a lesson in God’s faithfulness for our entire family. Dave got to meet baby Cole on a trip he took to Chicago this summer, I’ll look forward to meeting him on a whole VM family vacation planned for Summer of 2009. Flying with constant-mover Delia is just too tricky right now, so unfortunately, I’ve not made it to the Midwest at all this year. Our family has been just as cool as ever about trekking out to California, though. We took pleasure in hosting Dad in January, Heather in January, Mom and Dad in May and Heather and Anna in August.
Well, as I indent yet another paragraph of this supposedly brief update, I'm urged to conclude. Another year of love, fun and family is what we have to testify. Once again we pray God’s blessings on all you this Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year!
Dave, Jen, Ella and Delia
Well, do we win? Are we the first holiday greetings you are receiving this season? :) The fall colors of our family photos and our planned vacation to San Diego this December have prompted me to post our letter sooner rather than later this year. And for this special blog-edition of the Christmas letter, you can click on the colored letters to link to the fuller story.
I was recently rereading some of our old Christmas letters and realizing how we proclaim God’s blessings year after year. We’ve celebrated our new home, announced pregnancies, described big vacations and bragged about our achievements. In 2008 we’ve felt no less blessed, but don’t have as much big news. I’ll do my best to quickly regale you with the highlights. Remember, you can always keep up with our day-to-day by visiting us here at our blog.
As our life revolves around our kids, I’ll start there. Ella (3 years) continues to grow up too fast and bring us joy each day. The Precocious Princess of our home, she provides lots of laughs. This year she's had numerous big girl moments: mastering the potty, moving to a bunk bed, getting her first hair cut, etc. She also began preschool. The academic and social environment completely suits her friendly and excited-to-learn personality. Her favorites include reading, imagining, making crafts and dressing up.
Delia (1 year) is our Spunky Gal. She’s an entertaining combination of whirlwind and will. We’ve always loved the passion Delia lives with and while it makes some days difficult (bad moods are INTENSE!), mostly it makes us smile. She loves to dance, swing, cuddle and climb anything. She works hard to keep up with her imitatable big sister. She’s fearless about most things physical, but surprisingly shy and remains my Mama’s Girl. Lately, we've been eating up her linguistic attempts and advances. Her vocabulary boasts about 30 words already!
Dave and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage this May. We were reflecting on how life before the girls seems outdated-- almost forgotten. Dave has always been a fantastic Daddy, but has grown even more this year. His girls adore him! He dedicates every moment he is not working (and even finds ways to insert them into his working moments!) to deepening his relationship with them. Dave is as consumed as ever with church, but not with anything new you haven’t heard before.
This year we took a spring break trip to Monterey. The coast was amazing and we enjoyed visiting the ocean every day, hiking and experiencing the very hands-on, kid-friendly aquarium.
Our family had a very busy summer as we headed in different directions. Dave’s ministry took him on a mission trip to a part of tornado-destroyed Iowa with his youth group. I was able to road trip with the girls to visit some friends who live south of us. Then, once again, Dave was a counselor at Hi Camp. Instead of sitting home without him, Ella, Delia and I were blessed to “escape” ourselves to Mt. Hermon, a renowned Christian camp. The girls attended day camp while I heard speakers and worship leaders. We swam, boated, and sang goofy songs around the campfire, spent a day away in Santa Cruz, hit the beach and treasured meals and fellowship with great friends. We loved it so much we are already pre-registered for next summer.
The only new family addition we have to report is nephew, Cole Jacob Jayden-- a son to Dave’s sister Kristen and her husband Eric. Cole’s adoption story was a lesson in God’s faithfulness for our entire family. Dave got to meet baby Cole on a trip he took to Chicago this summer, I’ll look forward to meeting him on a whole VM family vacation planned for Summer of 2009. Flying with constant-mover Delia is just too tricky right now, so unfortunately, I’ve not made it to the Midwest at all this year. Our family has been just as cool as ever about trekking out to California, though. We took pleasure in hosting Dad in January, Heather in January, Mom and Dad in May and Heather and Anna in August.
Well, as I indent yet another paragraph of this supposedly brief update, I'm urged to conclude. Another year of love, fun and family is what we have to testify. Once again we pray God’s blessings on all you this Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year!
Dave, Jen, Ella and Delia
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Feeling Full
We are so thankful for each of you and hope you were blessed in your celebrating of all we have to be grateful for this year. We had a perfect Thanksgiving that has us all feeling full-- of amazing food and good friendship. Our meal today boasted all the classics including one of the juiciest turkeys we've ever had. (Heidi said she brined it!) We introduced the Wickers to some VM traditions (like corn souffle) and sampled some of theirs (like cranberry/apple/grape salad). I've said that Anika (their 4 year old daughter) and Ella are "sisters of the heart." Ella had her clothes off within 2 minutes of walking through the front door. This may sound strange, but when Anika answered in a ballerina dress-up outfit, Ella knew she was right at home! Together these imaginative, first-born girls played for almost 4 hours straight. As partners in the ministry, we enjoyed each other's company and the ease of conversation, not feeling the need to be "on." It was a lovely holiday and we are thankful for our hosts and friends!
The Longer List

I'm thankful for my handsome nephews. For the gift that baby Cole is, for Calvin's wit, Aidan's zest and Theoren's cuddliness. I'm thankful that Ella, even from a distance, knows and loves her cousins and that Calvin and Karen are coming to visit in February!

I'm thankful for Dave. That he works so hard all day and rarely takes a day off, yet always comes home with enough energy to romp around with the kids. I'm thankful that Dave's idea of winding down is sitting outside reading some crazy, classic piece of literature, like Orwell's 1984 and smoking a pipe.

I'm thankful for the joy that Delia brings us each day and that, thanks to some sleep tweaking, I am awake and energetic enough to enjoy it now! She's slept straight through the night for half a year now. I'm thankful for a regular full night's sleep. This is so wonderful, I barely remember the sleep deprivation of her first year!
At today's table, Dave said he was thankful for the wide array of friends we have all over the place. That our holiday letters went out to friends and family in 13 different states and that old/new friends Lloyd and Heidi embraced and hosted us this Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Handful Feast for Ella

For homework, Ella had to decorate a Thankful Bag (she choose to use bingo dobbers, stickers and glitter) and fill it with items she was thankful for. In Ella's bag were a picture of our family, a picture of her friends, some animals, a book, a shirt and some play food. She picked out these things on her own and has been thanking God for the blessings in her life each night this week.
We are going to celebrate God's goodness with some members of our extended church family, the Wickers, this year. Though we will miss our immediate family and the VM traditions , we are thankful to have good friends to play and eat with. One VM tradition is to go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Ella has already shared. What are yours? Let's participate as a community, leave us a comment! (Do it after Thursday if you don't want to spoil your big speech!) I'm predictable this year. I'm so thankful for my devoted and hard-working husband and our wonderful children. I'm thankful for the network of siblings, aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents and church family who love and and take such good care of us.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
So I Dance With Cinderella

I'm typically opposed to those overly sentimental, cheesy Christian songs whose sole purpose seems to make you cry, but this one hits really close to home so we love it.
So I dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew.
I dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
and she'll be gone.
Friday, November 21, 2008
For the Beauty of the Earth!
Armed with happy kids, a picnic lunch, a tripod and our mad digital photography skills, today we did a family photo shoot at Ironstone Winery. Think these are great? Wait till you see our Christmas card this year! :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chris in CA!

Today we had a special visitor-- our brother-in-law, Chris! He's been traveling around California on business and was able to stop in for a few hours. He's never been here, so we gave him the grand tour of our house and church and the streets of our neighborhood in between. His attempt to be known from now on as "Cool Uncle Chris" worked as he unloaded one present after the next from his suitcase. A stuffed guinea pig, Pet Shop toy set and dress up outfits will keep Ella and Delia (and Dave!) busy and happy for a long time. We cracked up over the letters and artwork he also hand delivered from our nephews and ate up his hilarious stories about those wacky boys. After he left, Dave and I conversed in awe about what a brilliant businessman Chris is. He has a laid-back, friendly attitude paired with an understanding for how to expand his company and build relationships. The time went fast, but we are appreciative of Chris going out of his way to get to know our lives a little better.
Monday, November 17, 2008
This Side of the Table
Today I had a new experience: being the parent at a parent/teacher conference! I went into it excited to see what the view was like from this side of the table, but also a little nervous that another person was going to be telling me things about my Ella. It was a good experience! Ella's teacher says she is a blessing to the class and a super kid. She said Ella is confident, independent, very social, purposeful and creative. Of course, none of this is a surprise to us. We were interested to learn that in specific tests of fine motor, gross motor, visual motor, language, number knowledge and self awareness she is functioning above the norm for a 3 1/2 year old. At some, she's even at a 4 1/2 year old's level! Her teacher did point out the weaknesses that come from her particular strenghts-- being chatty, bossy and inflexible to any agenda other than her own. In the end, it was nice to hear that Ella is exactly the same at home as she is at school-- we are very familiar with both her strenghts and weaknesses.
She's been really working on and improving her cutting skills. Here are some of her latest crafts:
And just for fun and for my fellow parents of young children, here are some fun suggestions. In the fine motor (strength of small muscles in hand and fingers) department Ella is only at age level :), so her teacher suggested a few activities to help her progress. We've tried many tonight and these "games" are a hit!
-put coins into a bank
-put buttons into a bottle
-screw lids on/off jars
-play with playdough
-squeeze a sponge
-string O cereal
-put nuts and bolts together
-use tongs to pick up cotton balls
-use clothes pins to decorate the edge of a bowl
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
"Silly Mommy, No One Takes Showers at Church!"
Today I confused and delighted Ella by taking her to a bridal shower for Sarah-- the bride of the wedding she's going to be a flower girl for. Ella was truly the star and comic relief of the party, relishing her role in helping Sarah open gifts in the center of the room and busting out with funny one-liners (like "Oooh, it's a BEAU-tiful dress!" when Sarah opened some lingerie).

Friday, November 14, 2008
At This Table, Yet Again
There are some tables that are so comfortable, they are almost like our own. There are some kitchens that are so well-known, you don't even have to ask where the utensils or sippy cups are-- you just know and you are welcome to help yourself to anything. There are some stoves that you have personally cooked on and sinks you've spent lots of time washing dishes in. For me, there are just two kitchens that I am so accustomed to I don't even think about it: my mother-in-law's and Jetta's.
Tonight we shared yet another meal with my dear friend. Jetta and I have busy husbands. It's been a long-standing tradition to get together for dinner when conferences, retreats, harvest or hunting make us "widows." A natural familiarity with Jetta's kitchen has come from this and also from countless tea sessions, birthdays celebrated, jars of plum jam preserved and bags of frozen peaches and apples by the dozens chopped together for our winter cobblers. This familiarity comes from a friend who is so generous and big-hearted that she opens her home up to the new youth pastor and his wife the very night they roll into California.
I am beyond thankful for my loving church family and especially for my good friend, Jetta. In this season of thanks, let us not forget to thank God for the friends whose presence in our lives is so commonplace, whose kitchens are so familiar we are tempted to take them for granted.
A Lovely Sight
As our gas prices crept closer and closer to $5 a gallon this past year, imagine my glee at paying this today:
Friday, November 7, 2008
Finally, Some New Recipes
It's been a while since I've posted some new recipes in the sidebar. This gorgeous fall weather perfectly matched the two recipes I'll share...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
On the Brink of Verbal Explosion!
Our Delia has never had any trouble letting us know exactly what she's feeling at any given moment. We are so excited that she is entering this most fun talking phase. Each day we notice a new word she's added to her vocabulary. This video taken with the old webcam isn't the best in quality (Ella pops in for a while to make some noise), but it starts to show some of her intentional vocalization. Check back on our sidebar for updates on her growing loquacity!
Monday, November 3, 2008
A New Park
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Harvest Party: Lower Numbers Prove More Fun!
Last night Dave and his youth group once again hosted the Harvest Party at our church. We love this trick-or-treating alternative! I smile thinking about the tradition we're setting for our girls. Ella and Delia will grow up thinking Halloween means joining with church family to laugh, dress-up, eat pizza, play games and win candy. Because of teacher convention and a long weekend for our students, attendance was definitely lower. Dave made sure those of us who attended still had plenty of fun, though!

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